
#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Golden Retriever

William Walker Golden Retriever Paracord

What exactly does "dog breed" mean?

A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog breeds listed and thus recognized. The cynological umbrella organization assigns the dog breeds to different groups and sections based on their appearance and nature. There are 10 FCI groups, including, among others, FCI Group 1: Herding Dogs & Cattle Dogs or FCI Group 3: Terriers.

The choice of dog breed - which dog suits me?

To deal with the different dog breeds is crucial for us humans especially when we want to get a new four-legged friend. Which dog suits me? That is the most important question when buying a dog. It does not always have to be a purebred puppy, because even in the case of mixed breeds from the shelter, the various breed combinations give us information about whether the dog will be very large, for example, or possibly has a hunting instinct. However, not only the breed and its characteristics determine the development and behavior of the four-legged friend, but also the education and socialization.

The Golden Retriever - the perfect family dog

William Walker Hanseatic Golden Retriever

  • Weight: 30-40 kg
  • Height (Shoulder): 51-61 cm Ø
  • Life expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Fur colors: from creamy soft white to golden yellow
  • Breed assignment: FCI Group 8 retrieving dogs, retrieving dogs, water dogs. Section 1: retrieving dogs

History of the Golden Retriever

The origin of the Golden Retriever is supposed to reach into the middle of the 19th century. In the British town of Brighton, a single yellow male of an otherwise black litter of wavy-coated retrievers had been born after that. Finally grown up, he was allowed to mate with a female Tweed Water Spaniel. Irish Setters were also considered in the breeding of later offspring. The breeders' goal was a perfect retriever dog for hunting waterfowl, which may be why the "Goldies" love the water and are very good swimmers.

Character/Nature - a real friend

Their good nature and composure makes the Golden Retriever a true friend. The dogs are gentle and decidedly people-oriented and this is true not just at home for all family members. Even unfamiliar visitors are gladly greeted trustingly and with a wagging tail. The "Goldie" is willing to learn and attentive, but as a guard dog only conditionally suitable. He announces visitors barking, but it is jokingly said that he would carry the stolen goods after a burglar. He also gets along well with other pets, makes friends even with the house cat.

Education - the perfect training partner

Golden Retrievers want to please their owners. They are curious, love to „work" with their human and can actually focus well on a task. This makes them a perfect training partner even as puppies and heroes of dog school, where they are eager to learn and often the first to complete the tasks set.

Holding - getting out into nature

Thanks to their intelligence and adaptability the mid-sized dogs are ideal companions and love to be out in nature with the whole family. Their long coat should be brushed regularly, not only in times of coat change. "Goldies" have a muscular build, are very persistent and grateful for enduring romps in a larger garden and long walks - gladly by the water.

Fashion tip for the golden fur nose

The beautiful golden coat of the golden retriever actually allows any shade. Since "Goldies" have a lot of fur, it is a good idea to go for lighter materials. Our Nappa Leather Collar Sky No.2 comes in a beautiful light blue and makes the fur shine, it is super light on the dog's skin and also very easy to clean. Since most Golden Retrievers are little water rats our Hanseatic and Royal Collars made of sustainable and washable paracord are especially suitable for summer. Golden Retriever mostly need a size L.

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